Flaskaholics - Recruiting members ahead of Warlords of Draenor!
We are aiming at a casual approach this coming raid tier, planning
to offer 2 Flex runs per week, open to all our members
(Wednesday/Sunday, 9pm-11pm, avg iLvl requirement might apply).
We expect you to be friendly, know your class well and of course to
have your gear properly enchanted /gemmed / reforged.
Of course, you are also welcome as a social member, someone needs
to be cheering the people who wish to raid on, and someone needs to
throw rotten tomatoes at them when they don't perform well!
We are a friendly and mature guild, and as such only recruit people
18 and over (20+ for raiding, please).
We use Mumble for all of our runs.
Feel free to contact any of our officers ingame for more
Raid Officers: Meldrith, Poupougne or Tobius
Social Recruiter: Sonéa