Last Resort is a top tier guild with a lot of history and has
always been a part of the top ever since the guild formed.
Important milestones have been kills such as:
- World 4th Kael'Thas Sunstrider
- World 2nd Illidan Stormrage
- World 6th Kil'Jaeden
- World 3rd Yogg Saron /w 1 keeper
- World 10th Algalon
- World 8th Tribute to Insanity
These days however we are are having a bit more casual approach to
the game. We are raiding 3 nights per week (Wed/Thur/Sun) from
19:00 till 23:30 but we are still progressing very nicely. Last
Resort still plays at the level we have always played at, but with
less time invested then the typical 5+ days a week like most
guilds. We are looking for people who are looking to play in a
competitive guild and at a high level, but who are also looking to
raid less then full-time. If you feel that this speaks to you, go
visit us on where you can submit an application -
or just contact one of our officers ingame for further
Outside of the above list of wanted classes we generally always
have a spot for exceptional players of any class. If you feel
you're one of those players you should always try your luck with an
application or contact an officer to talk it over.