Hi. Hello. Sup. Hey.
We are currently looking at recruiting for the following roles:
1 DPS/OS healer (Boomkin preferred, Spriest acceptable)
Welcome to SS. First off, a little about us.
If you’re an Asshole, just leave now....we don't like to deal with
Ok, now we can get started.
SS is the oldest guild on Skywall. We do our own thing at our own
pace, and recruit on our terms. What we look for in an app is two
things, who you are as a person, and how you are as a player. We
are not looking for one or the other, we want both. When someone is
accepted into this guild, they rarely ever leave. It is our goal as
an entire guild to find a plateau that we are all happy to stand,
and work on.
We do not consider this game a job, and real life will ALWAYS come
before it. But, this does not mean we don't want some commitment,
or the courtesy of letting someone know what your situation is at
your current time. Just remember, when you bought this game, you
didn't sign your life away to it, take it for what it is and enjoy
it the way you want to enjoy it.
We are not for everyone, you have a lot of personalities in this
guild, and we all stress that you keep yours the way it is. ‘Cause
if there is a flaw in it, we are gonna exploit it and make fun of
you to no end. Hey, it's what we do.
Things we accept
*** talk
Racism against the Chinese (mainly Tabo)
Praising me as a god; not THE god, but A god. And call me sir big
Things we don’t accept.
We have seen many, many guilds come and go on this "months behind"
server...but you know what? Even when we are on top of progression,
and ahead of the curve....we would still recruit the way we
recruit, and look for everything we are looking for now. It's
worked for us this far, and we don't plan on changing.
So enjoy, and thanks for the read.
-The Sammies
Contact info
You can contact any of the current officers
Perico, Sanosagara, Rippig, Remaked or Ederick for more info.