We are 7/7N, 7/7H, and 2/7M. We're looking for additional
raiders here on Aerie-Peak to join us in BLT for our Mythic
We raid Tuesday,Thursday, Sunday. Setup at 9:15 Eastern Time and
finish around 11:30/12PM.
We are open to all roles and classes. Being a "good fit" is
important to us but with this being a progression team we also
value player skill and ability. Obviously to get through our Normal
and Heroic clears we've got some competent players in every role,
but we're also eager to start pushing into Mythic and so have some
flexibility to fit the right players into our rotation.
If interested please reach out to myself--Telstoo
(FreakMasty#1933)--or Arlonath (Cephster#1588) through battle.net
or in game! If you wish to check us out ahead of time, we are also
hosting a clear of Normal Highmaul open to all on Monday nights
@9:15PM Eastern outside of our typical weekly raid
You can also read below for more information on our background or
check out our forums at http://forums.blasphemous.us
We are a social raiding guild that likes progression, but raids at
our own pace. Our goal is to complete content while it is still
relevant. We are looking to fill out our raiding teams in Warcraft.
For membership purposes, we consider social/cultural fit into
Blasphemous to be the sole criteria. Since hardcore/competitive PvE
progression isn't a concern of ours, we'd rather be patient and
bring in members that will enjoy their time with us (and vice
versa). We will accept players of all skill level and experience
with the expectation that members are interested in improving and
contributing to the team.
Our goals in Warlords of Draenor are to have fun killing bosses
with minimal ceremony or drama with people in which we can enjoy
our limited time together in game. We spend a lot of time in our
mumble server which can (basically) support infinity users. Beer
and cocktails are encouraged... maybe even required sometimes.
Our guild is predominantly comprised of working adults without the
luxury of structuring our lives around our games, so we do our best
to structure our games around our lives. That said, we have
scheduled raid nights of Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday beginning at 9:15
Eastern time (6:15 server). Typically we raid for 2-3 hours and try
to be finished by midnight (12PM Eastern/9PM Server Time). A
handful of our members will also be found regularly outside of
those events taking on other aspects of the game such as leveling
and gearing alts, PvP, or transmog farming.