Placeholder FAQ:
1. What kind of guild is Placeholder?
Our leadership and few core members are old hardcore raiders that
are returning to game in preparation for Warlords of Draenor. We
want to do serious raiding on good raiding atmosphere. Our main
raiding target is Mythic raids in expansion. To put the target
level in numbers, by 6.2 release last mythic raid boss, we aim to
be in Top 100 US in progression. We started the expansion with
barely enough to fill 5 man group without healer. Now we have
cleared both normal and Heroic Highmaul. We are now moving to our
real target content which is mythic raiding.
2. What are your raid times?
We are raiding during weeknights. 6 PM PST (8 PM CST, 9 PM EST) on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Each raid would last 3 or 4 hours.
We expect players to be online 15 minutes before start time. When
new content comes out (example Path 6.2) we would raid more for 2
weeks. This does not mean 7 days a week but just more. This should
happen at most 2 times a year, which should be manageable. Ideally
we would get to 1 day raid weeks after we get content on farm for
few months before next content comes out. In general we want people
to have their weekends for family and other stuff.
3. What kind of players are you looking for?
Ideally old hardcore raiders, but we would be fine with new raiders
as well as long as they want to learn and are willing to put up the
effort needed for Mythic raiding. [U]Right now our main needs are
Warlock, WW & MW Monk, Enchance & resto Shaman and holy
Priest[/U] Tenacity is important as some of the harder bosses are
only killed when everything is done right and that can take wipes
in 100s (Examples: Heroic Garrosh, Heroic Lich King with low buff%,
Mu’ru, 0-light Yogg’Saron)
Our ideal candidate would be:
•Tenacious, able to go through needed wipes on heroic/mythic
•Reliable, aka available at raid times
•Mindset for continuous improvement
•Takes personal responsibility of their performance in raid.
•Can take advice and seeks to understand their role and class
•Old hardcore raider
Also it is worth to note that we do not want any toxic players, no
matter how good they are. If the player ends up bringing up too
much drama or is disruptive in negative way in the guild, we will
let them go.
4. How are you going to handle loot?
We will be using Loot Council with following principles: 1) How
many times has person gotten highly valued item first (don’t expect
Jim the Hunter getting His best weapon and trinket back to back).
2) Overall gear level. It is fun to be able to compete. It is not
very healthy to always be behind others. 3) There should not be a
situation where everyone already knows few people who always get
new things first. 4) The goal of the loot distribution is to make
progress easier for the guild. 5) the Loot council consists of
officers and 2 rotating members from the guild.
5. How is the raid atmosphere?
In our raids we aim to have speedy pulls. After a wipe during
progression we quickly try to analyze what went wrong and see how
to fix it. It is not our way to yell at someone or call them names
after they do something wrong, but to explain it and get it
corrected for the next pull. It is OK to make a mistake as long as
you find a way to not do it again. Also sharing the information
about mistake can help others.
6. How come you do not have much Mythic progress yet?
Starting expansion from about 5 man roster made it a bit slow, we
are just getting to be able to fill mythic raid. We are still
building our core raid group as well and the classes we are looking
for are not for bench. Despite this we have managed to get 4/7M and
we are looking to improve.
7. How to contact us?
You can contact us using this website or in game (battletag: