Draenor Mythic Guild
Current progress: 2/7 Mythic
What We Need :
Elemental shaman
We have a strong core and just need those extra few dps to Finish
off the team
Guild Benifits:
>Welcoming team with solid core
>Free Repairs
>Free Pots
>Free Flasks
>Free Food
>Good community that also plays different games outside of
You would need to be a dedicated raider and know your class in and
out. We want players who will stick with us for a long time and be
part of our community, not people that will leave after a tier of
content or simply log on only for raids. The people currently in
the team have raided together in one way or another since vanilla
so its quite a close group of people we have.
We raid primarily on a wednesday, sunday and monday. 3 days raiding
per week usualy. (4 if people want to, which includes tuesday) We
will also try to run alt runs on off days if there is alot of
interest for it.
Raid times are from 7:30 until 11:00 server time, if you are
interested or want to speak more you can contact me or any other
officer in game, or you can visit our website and post in the
recruitment forums.
Thanks for looking,
Contact Predimo (Pred#2815) , Facebookjr ( Gh0st#1742 ),
Naehar(Naehar#1147) , or Bloodyguts (bloodyguts#2530)
Or Private mail Predimo on our forums and i will get back to you