Quick Facts:
*Type of raiding: Top ranked 3 nights/week 25m
*Guild Website: http://genesis-sm.eu
*Loot System: Loot Council
*Primary VoIP client: Mumble IP:eu4.voice.enjin.com Port:60146
Useful Links:
*Recruitment Status & Application Form:
*World of Logs raid parses:
*Raiding Streams: http://genesis-sm.eu/streams
*Website support & general inquiries:
Genesis in Social Media:
*Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/GenesisSMeu
*Join our Facebook group:
*YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/GenesisSilvermoon
About Genesis:
We are a guild whose aim is to find balance between progressive
raids, fun and real life. That being said; Genesis is an
organization orientated towards achieving excellence in raiding
progress on our raiding bracket of choice, the 3 days raiding. Our
main power is the fact that we are a group of like-minded
individuals who want to be the best they possibly can, whilst
raiding as little as we do. The core of the guild is together for a
really long time, the guild is 8 years old by now and 12 hours of
focused raiding per week is enough for us to be counted as one of
the best guilds on Silvermoon & an established leader on the 3
raids/week raiding scene. The guild is based on the Alliance side
of Silvermoon-EU, our server is the most competitive English
speaking Normal(PvE) server in European realms, in terms of raiding
progress, for many years now. We have a long-standing tradition of
clearing all available PvE content within a reasonable time frame
for our rather limited raiding hours and achieving ever-increasing
progress rankings in the process.
We are constantly on the forefront of light-weight raiding
progress, having achieved:
* Sunwell Plateau clear prior to 3.0.2. Our most notable kill being
the M'uru pre-hp nerf kill, something that less than 100 guilds had
managed to pull off at the time.
* Finished Wrath of the Lich King on a high note as server #2nd
& among the first 3 guilds worldwide to kill the Lich King on
heroic 25 while raiding 3 days
Notable achievements include He Feeds on your Tears & a Tribute
to Immortality.
* Cataclysm Heroic Modes:
Tier 11: Cleared as EU #2 3 days/week
Firelands: Cleared as EU #3 3 days/week
Dragon Soul: Cleared as EU #4 3 days/week
* Mists of Pandaria
Tier 14: 6/6(H) Mogu'shan Vaults 25m + 6/6(H) Heart of Fear 25m +
4/4(H) Terrace of Endless Spring
Tier 15: 13/13(H) Throne of Thunder 25m.
Tier 16: 14/14(H) Siege of Orgrimmar 25m.
* Warlords of Draenor
Tier 17: 7/7(M) Highmaul and 0/9(M) Blackrock Foundry.
Raiding schedule:
Wednesday: 19:30-23:30
Sunday: 19:30-23:30
Monday: 19:30-23:30
Currently recruiting:
-Monk (Windwalker),
-Druid (Restoration, Feral & Balance) and
-Exceptional applicants who feel that can challenge our members for
their spots.
What you can get from us:
* Industry leading value, in terms of progress, for the amount of
time you actually spend raiding.
* Relaxing atmosphere where you won't burn out.
* Usual raiding spots, we don't over recruit and we don't have 8
players from a class.
* Skilled people who have been playing together for a long
* Professional raids.
* Cleared content.
* WoL rankings contests!
* Achievement points. We actually do bother doing pretty much any
achievement that comes to mind, when progress raids are over so if
you are an achievements hunter then you will find similar-thinking
people here.
* Plenty of opportunities to play your alt characters.
* A respected & established guild tag.
* Unique guides, accessible only for guild members, about raid
* Our guild bank provides guild repairs!
What do we expect from you:
* Great dedication to use potions and other consumables during a
boss fight, we also enforce the use of raid food and flasks for
every boss fight.
* Being able to perform at your best even during progress wipe
* 100% attendance, 3 days raiding requires that we squeeze every
single minute & attempt to make the most out of ours (&
yours) playing time. This does not mean u will have to attend a
raid while being in a hospital though!
* Being able to listen on Mumble is REQUIRED. Being able to speak,
and doing so when appropriate, is a big plus.
* You need to know your class inside out; we rather raid with 24
people than with someone who is not confident in what he is
* We especially encourage applications made by veteran raiders with
experience similar to that of our own, who just don't or can't
afford raiding 4/5/6/7 days any more.
* Forum participation & contribution towards tactics there is a
big plus in our book.
* Be cool when it comes to testing future content out on the PTR
and Beta.
* Must have: A WarcraftLogs or World of Logs (WoL) parse link that
will allow us to have a more detailed insight on your gameplay
& raid performance.
* Both primary professions as well as Cooking have to be purely PvE
For any further enquiries you can contact Enlightened, Xenophage or
Aylje in-game.