Masquers is a structured, well oiled machine. We do not play games
as individuals who just hang out together, we function as a group,
relying on each and every member to contribute and participate.
Selfish, loot whoring people have no place in Masquers.
As a casual raiding guild, we still raid at a high skill level,
just with less hours spent raiding per week. If you have the skill
to raid at a high level (listen, bring consumables, show up on
time), but don't have 20 hours a week to commit to raiding,
masquers may be a home for you.
Masquers will be raiding heroic and normal. Raid days are Tuesdays
for heroic and Wednesdays and Sundays for Normal. All raids are
from 8-11 pm server.
You can apply at