No Mercy in this Dojo is a hardcore 20+ man raiding guild. Hardcore
in the sense of individual responsibility, accountability and
completing goals as lined out. Soft-core sense as our raiding
schedule is only 6 hours a week.
Guild Name: No Mercy in this Dojo
Realm: US-Kul Tiras (PvE)
Datacenter: Chicago!
Format: 20+ Man --> 20 Man Mythic
Faction: Horde
Timezone: Central Daylight Time (CDT)
Raid Schedule
All times are CDT, which is also the Kul Tiras realm time.
● Tuesday: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
● Wednesday: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
● Thursday: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
● Sunday and/or Monday could be used for clean up, if the
appropriate people are available. Not mandatory.
We are going to be extending the raid times by 30 minutes each
night while we get our feet wet in the new expansion. Will
eventually be back to the original 6 hours we hold true to now.
Siege of Orgrimmar:
Pre 6.0 | 14/14 Normal 9/14 Heroic 25man |
Post 6.0 | Mythic Garrosh Dead |
Recruitment Needs:
Please see the website for recruitment needs. If your class/role
is not listed and feel you would be a great fit for our team, I
encourage you to apply anyways.
Like minded individuals will possess the
● Having the ability to research fights independently to know and
understand basic mechanics, be able to listen and follow
● Motivation and dedication to be the best, within the means of
your respective role (ie.. Gems, enchants, professions and/or
specs, if playing multiple specs)
● Stable internet connection,
● Computer that can handle raiding in a 20-25man environment.
Expectations of No Mercy in this Dojo:
● Focus on guild progression in preparation for Warlords of Draenor
and beyond.
● Free flasks, feasts, potions, enchants, gems, repairs, etc.
● Honest evaluation of your performance.
● Constructive criticism, if attention is required, in regards to
simple matters ( ie.. rotations, stats or cooldown usages and
uptimes )
Loot Distribution:
EPGP for loot distribution / Loot Council
For new recruits, we have general guidelines for a 30-day trial
period. That gives us more than enough time to learn about you,
your play style and mentality. This period can also be shortened as
well if exceeding expectations are far as performance, attendance
and attitude towards anyone and everyone in and out of the
If anything above peaks your interest, please stop by the website
to get more information and to apply to No Mercy in this Dojo.
Head to;
for a better breakdown of what we are, and certain expectations (
basically outlined above )