<stalk and kill> started as a Quake clan back in 1999. A
couple of the original members of sk eventually picked up WoW, and
have raided in every single tier since the beginning. To say the
least, we've always been a tight-knit group of people, even when
integrating new members.
What we need (as of 2/2/2015):
Recruitment is open to all classes. A solid healer would be
We would prefer ranged DPS over melee. If you consider yourself an
exceptional raider do not let those preferences prevent you from
tossing up an app.
If you have a second role (healer if DPS, DPS if healer, etc.),
being proficient with it will garner extra consideration. Same goes
for viable, raid-ready alts, and being flexible about what
class/spec to play for next expansion.
NOTE: In all cases, you should possess the following:
Superb attendance. Missing raids due to people not showing up
is hugely aggravating.
665 ilevel or greater.
A stable internet connection and a computer from this
A raid-ready alt that you are proficient with is a major
Prior end-game raiding experience.
Raid times:
Monday - Thursday: 8pm-Midnight EST
Unlike many other guilds, we pride ourselves on sticking to our
raid schedule. In extremely rare cases, we tack on an extra 15
minutes for 1-2 more progression pulls, or to finish up farm
content. It's also extremely rare for us to add extra days.
Typically, we'll raid an extra day for one raid lockout, maybe two.
In T16, we never raided beyond 4 days. Unlike most other guilds
this tier, we also did not raid 5-6+ days to start the tier.
That being said, being flexible with your schedule is a huge plus.
We don't like missing raid days if we can help it. Should we not be
able to raid one of our normal raid days, then we'll reschedule
that raid day for one of Friday/Saturday/Sunday (99% of the time
it's Sunday).
Don't be an idiot, pull your weight, and show up for raids. That
about covers it.
How to Apply:
Toss up an application on our forums
(http://stalkandkill.org/forums/). Note that logs are required. If
you don't have any, then please do not bother applying.
All applications are private.
Doge for u: