Raid times: Thursday 7:45-11:45server, Sunday 7:00-11:00server.
Farm content will be done as an optional raid on Wednesday night at
9serverish to allow us to gear our new recruits while still keeping
our mythic progression time.
Dominance was a WoW progression raiding guild that began its
journey on Darkspear in 2005 roughly 6 months after the release of
WoW. Through the years we've made numerous friends and migrated
between several servers and many games but we've always held the
core belief that if you want to do something you should do it
right. We’ve always prided ourselves on being fast and efficient
during our raid times, often clearing instances in half of the
scheduled raid times of guilds our content level.
Our long history of success began during Vanilla WoW as we held
server first titles in BWL, AQ40, and Naxx on the Hakkar server. In
TBC we continued to enjoy server first status throughout the
expansion. During Wrath we dominated our server yet again with
world top 100 kills in Naxx and Ulduar including a US top 10 Ignis
kill. We’ve took a bit of a break from WoW during Cataclysm and MoP
and moved our sites to the game Rift on the Faemist server. During
our time there we completely dominated the server, enjoying every
server first possible including a world top 10 Plutonus kill. We’ve
moved on and come back to WoW for this expansion and begun to raid
in the only style in which we know. These days we only raid 2-3
times a week but our skills haven’t dulled nor have our ideals
Throughout the years many of our members have moved to different
servers and factions but we’ve always tried to stay in touch. We
now have a core group of players who’ve known each other for almost
a decade and consider ourselves the best of friends. If you do
choose to join us we won’t waste your time during raids nor will we
expect you to waste ours. None of us have as much time as we used
to and while we may not raid 4-5 days a week anymore we still
expect strong progression.
Thus far in our first week on Blackhand we’ve cleared all of Normal
Highmaul and Heroic Kargath, Butcher, Brackenspore, Tectus, and
Twin Ogrons with about half of our raiders rolling new brand new
characters this week.
For information please contact any of the following officers:
Seràphi, Juturnä, Snìckelfritz, or Polemides (sorry for all the
accents - many of our names were taken).