We're looking for a couple people to fill out our second raid group
in preparation for Mythic Raiding. We have a solid core with
several of our members having raided since the beginning of WoW and
are always looking for a few good players.
We take our raiding seriously but have a good time doing it, in off
raid time we work on challenge modes and other content for
We raid Tue/Thu nights at 9:00pm Server Time and ask all of our
members to have a solid knowledge of their class and the
willingness to be flexible with offspecs as necessary.
Current Needs:
1 Tank (any class)
2 Ranged DPS, would love at least one boomkin or hunter but any
class will do
1 Healer/Tank or Healer/DPS hybrid
We require 550 ilvl for our heroic runs, but if you are below that
please still contact us as we do weekly normal/flex runs as well
for alts.
Give us a shout we'd love to hear from you!
On our website: http://www.casterlewtz.com
Our Raid Leaders In Game: Lilfrye-Ysera, Semprparatus-Ysera,