About Us
<Not a Big Deal> is a Mythic progression raiding guild on the
Bleeding Hollow-US realm. We are a tight knit, friendly group who
enjoys serious content and a positive atmosphere. We have been
around for the past few years and also play a handful of other
games. (Currently: Diablo 3, League of Legends, PlanetSide 2,
StarCraft 2, Minecraft, Civ V)
We are currently in the process of recruiting for 20 man Mythic
raiding for Warlords of Draenor
If you feel you are a strong/exceptional raider and your class
is not listed about please feel free to apply. All applicants will
be reviewed regardless of current needs
What We Expect
We expect all of our raiders to be responsible for their character
(pre-raid gear, tokens, item enhancements, professions, perfecting
rotations, boss research, etc.) in order to maximize their
performance, even for an off-spec. We normally provide guild
repairs, feasts, pots and flasks to our raiders. We ask our raiders
to have an extremely high level of commitment to both the guild and
their character, near perfect attendance (with courteous forum
communication otherwise), a positive attitude and courteous, and of
course: a friendly demeanour.
Raid Times
Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday 7-11PM EST (Monday occasionally, used as
backup wehn required).
Loot Rules
Loot is handled using the EPGP System. You earn EP by contributing
to the raid and receive GP by receiving items.
For more information: http://www.wowwiki.com/EPGP
If you feel you meet our requirements and are interested in being
considered for our team, please visit our guild website for
information and to fill out an application, or whisper Thunderfro
(Battletag: Thunderfro#1718) in game. Please note that only those
who apply will be considered for recruitment.