Recursion is an established server first guild on a PvE server
Borean Tundra. The guild was formed in Cataclysm by a small group
of friends who wanted to clear every heroic tier before the next
tier/expansion was released, so far we have succeeded in that.
We have a strict attendance policy (we also understand that real
life happens and, given prior notice, a raid night can be missed
without repercussions), high skill requirements, and no patience
for drama.
We use loot council. We have zero loot drama and plan to keep it
that way.
We are looking for smart, diligent, and mature players. Ones who
have full knowledge of their class, the ability to perform at a
high level, the power to be independent and the desire to raid in a
calm, relaxed environment.
Apply at:
Or add us on realid: Newcomer#1413, Adalious#1194 (make sure to
include your spec, ilvl, experience)
In your application we really just want logs and 1 or 2 paragraphs
about yourself.
We raid: Monday - Thursday 9 - 12 CST