<Ultimate> is a GMT+8 25m Singapore-based guild that is
really fun to raid with. Trust me. Ask any raider :D Our nerd-rage
filled videos are a testament to how much we love what we do
We raid three days a week on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays and
Mondays between 2130 and 0030 GMT +8 (that's 2330 - 0230 Oceanic
Server Time). That's it. Sometimes (but very rarely) with a Sunday
raid, if things like ridiculously scheduled restarts mess up our
raid week. But we like our 12-hour raid week where we get stuff
done and have time for the rest of our lives.
Applications can be made at:
More information on the guild and the application process can be
found on the website as well. Only website applications will be
It goes without saying that while we do have specific classes in
mind when taking in applicants (to fill various missing/depleted
roster slots etc.), we welcome any and all exceptional raiders to
apply - we take seriously any application submitted to the
For more information, please look for Xephyria, Mellister, Sperry
or Salure in game. Our raiders will also be able to point you in
the right direction, and may themselves be able to provide you with
the information you need.
May your crits be many, and your lootz epic! :D