Dark Tide is a long-standing raiding guild on US-Alexstrasza
alliance side. While we formed at the beginning of Cataclysm as a
10 man guild, our roots go back to 25 man naxx. Many current
members have raided together since near the release of Wrath.
In cata we formed this guild and went from 25 man down to 10 man.
We are now recruiting as a full time 25 man raid again. All roles
and any exceptional players are welcome.
Our website http://darktide.wowlaunch.com/ is increasing in
activity and usefulness. We are also beginning to log all raids at
World of Logs under Dark Tide Guild on US Alexstrasza.
All raiders will be evaluated on performance first and foremost.
Fully gemmed, enchanted, and properly reforged gear is required to
get into the raid. Performance and monitoring your progress on
world of logs are required to keep your spot.
We will be raiding 25 mans on Tuesday, Thurs and Mon starting at
8pm server time (9pm EST) and going until 10:30 server. Raiders are
required to be prepared with all raiding materials - flasks, food,
pots - as well as knowledge of how to play your class and role. We
use mumble for all guild activities.