We are always accepting applications from exceptional players of
any class. We will be expanding to a 20 man roster for the next
expansion. Feel free to contact any raider for consideration.
About Us:
We raid two nights a week Tuesday & Thursday from 9-12 CST.
Loot is distributed by a loot council.
About You:
Come prepared! Guild provides assistance and repairs -
food/flask/some gems and enchants for those who pull their weight.
You should be skilled, dedicated, and willing to challenge and
better yourself. We're looking for players who are in it for the
long haul and work well together, players who are vocal and don't
have a problem sitting out fights when needed. Geared alts (with
understanding how to play them) is a huge plus. If you are easily
offended or don't respond well to criticism, this is not the guild
for you. We expect that your skill will be on par with our other
current raiders. We encourage competitiveness and ambition. We
value the drive to become more efficient and adapt to new
Most importantly, this is a game and should be fun. We try to
mitigate drama and keep things light. Trolls and troublemakers are
unwelcome. Please check your Epeen at the door. GLHF
Casuals welcome!