Guild Name: Real Talk
Server: Kil'Jaeden (PvP)
Recruit Contact: Zabulzel#1573, Kodo, Quality
Youtube Channel:
Raid Times:
Tuesday 7pm-1030pm PST
Wednesday 7pm-1030pm PST
Thursday 7pm-1030pm PST
Please note that we are constantly seeking exceptional applicants
of every class, so take the following list lightly. If you are a
veteran player, an avid PvP'er or have a prominent WoW resumé we
would love to hear from you regardless of what class you play.
what YOU need:
*Desire to push the hardest content.
*Exceptional knowledge of your class.
*Situational awareness.
*Responsibility aka the ability to call out yourself.
*Able to take criticism.
*90% attendance.
what WE offer:
* Tight roster of dedicated players who show up to raids prepared
and ready to progress
* A fun raid environment that's fairly laid back while still
pushing heroic content.
* A mature, stable and welcoming guild. No one under 18yrs of
* A fair loot council that awards gear based on attendance and
* An active group of players who sign on for more then just
scheduled raids
* Competitive progression with an extremely light raid schedule
* A focused and efficient raid environment
Real Talk is a mature 20man endgame raiding guild on the Kil'Jaeden
server. We look for players with the skill and desire to push only
the hardest of content. We are seeking individuals who are not only
competent and competitive, but dependable above all else in the
long term. We want people to augment our already stellar roster.
Real Talk is looking for self motivated players that continuously
strive to better their play, while being able to put the guild
first before their own needs. Simply put, we are searching for the
best of the best. We are not looking for players who log on for
raids and log off soon thereafter.