<Livid> US Emerald Dream - Horde
Livid is a guild that is comprised of a core of players that have
been raiding together since the days of WoTLK. First and foremost
we are a group of friends that enjoy each other's company but also
happen to play WoW at a high end level for the hours we actually
We are always recruiting exceptional raiders who understand what it
means to have a professional raid attitude with a progression
Raid days during progression are Tuesday, Wednesday and
Our times are 8:30pm - 12:30am EST which is 5:30pm - 9:30pm
Things to keep in mind when applying to Livid:
-We do not tolerate any form of racism or sexism. We love to have
fun but it seems some people confuse hateful language with fun.
-You need to be able to make 95% of our days and times. We expect
you to be 5 minutes early not 5 minutes late.
-Mumble is our primary form of communication and you must have it
installed along with a working mic.
-While we always have a team working on strategies it is expected
that you will personally do your own research and always be looking
at ways in which your character can perform to it's maximum
potential on each fight.
-Have a good attitude and be willing and wanting to do anything
asked of you. We are looking for people who enjoy the game and it's
nuances not bitter people who are draining to be around.
Also keep in mind when applying to Livid that we are searching for
the best players that only have the time to raid on a lighter
schedule. This means you should be amazing at your main class and
have the ability to play an alt at a high level. The goal is to
kill content quickly and to do that only raiding 12 hours a week
means you need to be a very fast learner that not only doesn't
offer excuses for poor play but also doesn't allow it from fellow
raiders. If you cannot meet the criteria stated above 100% of the
time then there is no reason to ever apply to Livid.
Recruitment officer to contact in-game: Jaywalker, Drahzar or
Rayneqt. Or to apply on our website go to:
Feel free to add us on battletag to get in touch: