Hadez Army
General Information
We stand for raiding, with socializing as a extra thing that we
cherish. We aim to become one of the best guilds on Twisting Nether
with a normal raiding schedule. Our Guild Running With 1 20man
mythic group.
Raiding Schedule:
Monday 19:30 to 23:00
Wednesday 19:30 to 23:00
Thursday 19:30 to 23:00
Sunday 19:30 to 23:00
The non-official raid days are used for alt runs / gearing up new
members if needed, rated battlegrounds. Basicly everything.
For Applicants:
If you do not meet the required raiding days. Don't bother to apply
as raider. Your attendance has to be atleast 90%. Exceptionally
players will always be considered. However these get checked
thoroughly first. Trial period takes atleast 1 weeks and can be
extended to an extra week.
For more information contact ingame :