Einherjar is a relaxed raiding guild that seeks to bring out the
best of its raiders. We emphasize a relaxed, enjoyable raiding
experience while still pushing for what progress we can manage.
We seek players that are good members, and good players. Friends
and alts are more than welcome. All raiders who are consistent earn
a set of Flasks and feasts at every raid. We simply ask that you
help to donate to the guild bank for our mutual benefit through
farming for flask mats and feasts and helping complete weekly guild
challenges to keep guild repairs going as well :D.
We are not actively recruiting for our raid teams at this time.
This does not mean that you can't join our guild if you don't feel
you would fit one our raiding team though. If you're interested in
joining our guild feel free to message any of the officers in game
for an invite. :D
Feel free to contact Ymer (spriest4life#1700) in game if you have
any questions about our guild!