Friday : 17:45 - 22:00 (5:45pm-10pm PDT)
Saturday : 17:45 - 22:00 (5:45pm-10pm PDT)
Officers to communicate about Recruitment :
GM - Caladvor and among alts(Caladvor#1946)
Late night Officer and Healer- Twilight/Lootbin
Mostly a semi-hardcore Guild, Lost Raiders Co. escaped the
social-casual lifestyle to seek players able to move out of the
fire without their mommy holding their hands. We want players able
to adapt to change in patches and strategies. Being punctual and
reliable (Both in-game skill and attendance) is a major plus. We
only raid two days a week and eight hours of time to kill bosses,
so show up on time ready to defeat the enemies of Azeroth!
Currently WoW is under T16 content, as such, if you wish to raid
with us to see that Garrosh Hellscream goes to jail and not take
over Pandaria *SPOILER* then come prepared with a working
knowledge of all bosses and an average ilvl of 555+ in one or more
specs. However, if you have foreseen the treachery of Garrosh
and want to defeat the upcoming onslaught of the Iron Horde in
Warlords of Draenor, please ask for an invite and notify us. We can
gain knowledge about the expansion together and be better prepared
than that Illidan guy over in the dark Temple.