Foundation is a Raiding Guild on Draenor(EU).
Our main goal is to Raid Mythic and clear all current content.
What Foundation can offer to you:
•Reliable raids. There will always be raids going on at the set
times. We have an active website to ensure this.
•A community. We are nice, friendly and helpful.
•A place for alts. Get as many in the guild as you wish. You're not
stuck with the character that's used to apply to Foundation.
•Fair loot we use an EPGP system.
What we expect from you:
•Attendance. We're a raiding guild with a 3 nights a week progress
schedule. At least 2 of these should be attended in order to
maintain a full raider rank.
•Maturity. We expect everyone to uphold the guild's good name.
Frequent /trade trolls, excessive insulting or being unable to
listen to officers are not welcome.
•Be reliable. We're well organized during a raid, but constant
disconnects and afk'ing during a raid will not make you through the
trial period.
•Knowledge. Raiding means knowing how to use the character(s) you
bring to the fullest, and how to use them on each encounter. Come
prepared, or you're out for the night.
•Don't be a stranger! Get to know people a little and you'll find
this a very enjoyable guild. Being on teamspeak during a raid is
Raiding times:
Raid times are stated below but you should be online 15 minutes
before. Signing for raids goes through our online calender.
Main Raids(time can be extended close to a kill):
Wednesday: 20:45 - 00:00
Thursday: 20:45 - 00.00
Monday: 20:45 - 00:00
Apply at