We were a US top 250ish 10 man back in Throne of Thunder before
disband, and now a lot of our members are coming back and want to
continue heroic and mythic progression. We are planning on being
one of the top guilds on server and a top US 100 guild since a lot
of the members that are returning and recruited are/were from top
guilds. We have the skill set to be one of the better guilds in the
US/World. We are looking for more exceptional players to join
Raid times
Tues/Weds: 9-12am Est or 6-9 pm Pst
Thurs: 10-1am Est or 7-10pm Pst
ALL Exceptional applicants are welcome not just what we are in need
If you would like to contact me or the officers our btags are
listed here or apply on our website