Hello Dreamers,
We are currently a 10 man raiding guild having downsized from 25
man during Cataclysm.
We are in the process of expanding our roster and want to be able
to get a steady raiding team together. With the new flexible raid
lock out, we are happy to expand our roster within our guild. It
will allow you to get a chance to raid with us. Our focus is on
enjoying raiding when we can and we ask our members not to be
hardcore in any sense. If there is no raid, then so be it.
About us:
The guild and its members strives to have a pleasant, open
atmosphere, coupled with good raid progression. We understand that
our members do have a life outside of World of Warcraft and we do
aim for a minimum of two raids a week.
We have a fair number of veterans within the guild that have played
since the original, and are bound to share their 40 man raid day
stories to go along with the good ol' "back in my day"
Current progress:
8/14 Hc SoO
Currently Recruiting:
1x Tank [Preferably a Paladin, Death Knight or Druid]
1x Healer [Restoration Druid]
2-3x Dps [Preferably Hunter/Warlock/Balance Druid/Elemental
Our raiding times are from 20:30 – 23:30 server time. We currently
put up 2 raiding days on the calender. Sunday and Monday. Depending
on signs in advance will depend on whether we raid that day. If
numbers drastically improve more days will be added.
About you:
Be Level 90
You must be 18 years or older.
Possess a good standard of English.
To understand your class and your responsibilities.
Geared to tackle the current content. We’ll consider good players
even if slightly undergeared as long as they’re willing to work
hard at improving.
Be prepared to take and give constructive criticism.
To be prepared for each raid – flasks, pots, reagents and buff
food. To know tactics for all bosses we’ve attempted or defeated.
(We attempt any new encounter blind, so as to fully experience the
Have a good sense of humour and a positive attitude.
If this sounds like you and you are looking for a new guild please
whisper one of the officers. Constanza, Mith or Lariel.
We look forward to hearing from you