Sports Casual Guild with an exotic raiding twist, Reproba Vir has
been at home on the Alonsus server since Sept 2007 and is arguably
the most solid and consistent guild presence for adult social
raiding on the server.
Beginning life as "The Naked Raiders" in early 2007, after many
evenings dancing in our underwear in the Auction House in Darnassus
(yes, that long ago, when Darnassus was almost a hive of bubbling
activity), we soon realised that Alonsus was not ready for such an
avant garde guild name and so Reproba Vir (latin for "false heroes"
- pretentious AND ironic!) was born out of the naked ashes. The
guild will celebrate it's 7th birthday this coming September
When we commenced raiding, we did it with one main focus - having
fun. We knew, as adults, some with families, that there would be
times when dashing off to break up a pillow fight, or clear up a
pool of vomit might be necessary, but that was one of the
inevitable pitfalls of drunken retro raiding that we encountered in
more recent times and we learn by our mistakes.
Anyway, we are very much still of the same ethos. If you have an
otherwise busy stressful life, then you play a game for fun, first
and foremost, real life must always come first, and whilst we try
very hard to succeed and make good progression, we are realistic in
our expectations and know that we will not ever be first on the
realm for progress. We are old enough and ugly enough to recognise
our limitations and progress for our own satisfaction, rather than
the sense of smug that must, I can only imagine, accompany the
scoring of a world first on something. We can however, reasonably
accurately lay claim to being the last guild on the realm to down
the Lich King before the Cataclysm expansion hit a couple of hours
later. Still did it though.
At time of writing we are 9/14 SOO - Always open to new members,
whether levelling or looking for a bit of hot raid action, as long
as you can cope with the insanity then you're welcome to apply via
the in-game guild application doodah, or by yelling at me
(Kungpewpanda) from the other side of Stormwind. Bribes in the post
are always welcome too.
You must be over 18 to apply - guild chat can sometimes be a little
NSFW because there are some warped senses of humour in this guild,
so if you are easily offended... I give it maybe an hour.
If you got this far, well done. If you are still interested in
getting involved with the shenanigans after all that, then more
fool you, but add me in game and poke me next time you see me log
in and we can have a chat, a coffee, maybe a doughnut, and see if
you REALLY mean it.