<Mortis> has outgrown its britches! Our successful 10 man
(13/14) has far too many awesome guildies sitting on the bench. We
are now actively recruiting to fill our Siege of Orgrimmar 25 man.
Our 25 man is now (13/14).
Raiding Requirements:
A 530 ilvl and the ability to be on time.
Is your ilvl not up to snuff? Don't let that discourage you! Mortis
actively gears up guildies in order to prepare them for
Raid Times:
Wednesdays 7:00pm-10:00pm server time (PST)
Thursdays 7:00pm-10:00pm Server time (PST)
Our flex group clears flex 1-2 Sunday 7:00pm
We also run Guild LFR on Saturday 7:00pm
We Run RBG's on Friday at 6:00pm
What we need:
DPS is what is we are most in need of. However, we will gladly take
any committed class if you are interested in progressing with
For those of you awesome raiders from other less awesome guilds.
Consider that Mortis always has FUN raiding. Fun + constant
progression = happy raiders :). If you aren't happy in your current
raiding situation, whatever that may be, hit us up for more
For more info Contact:
Stormlust (Melinda#1686), Psychosis(Phychosis#1751), Brockolee
(brock#1899), Razzack(Zan#1763)
Or Visit us at Mortis.us