[Horde] Aureus-Semi Hardcore PvE EU Draenor.
Aureus is a new guild formed on 21.08.2014.
Recruitment information:
We are always looking for exceptional new players and will review
any application submitted to us. If you wish to apply, find us on:
http://aureuswow.freeforums.net/ or for questions and information,
add Minz#2730 or Samuel#2859 .
Raiding Days: Wednesday,Thursday,Sunday,Monday
Raiding Times: 19:30-00:00 server time
90-95% Raid Attendance required during progress.
All Raiders are required to have a working mic and ability to speak
with the rest of the Raid. Everyone needs to be online 30 minutes
before Raid time as that is when invites will be issued. Criticism
will be given in areas that need to be improved, don't take this to
heart, it's for the benefit of the Raid. You will be expected to
PLAY your Class to the best of it's ability and good knowledge
about your Class's Offspec is a bonus as this will help in
situations where you may need to switch Spec. Having an alt that
you can play as well as your Main is also a bonus. Raiders are
required to attend a majority of Progress Raids and in general keep
up high attendance. In all, we want our players to be able to have
fun while doing giving their maximum potential in Raids.
About our Community:
We are an English speaking Guild with mixed Nationalities and are
here to have fun as a whole while exploring each new Raid together.
We are friendly and accepting of our newest members, and we like to
do what's best for the Guild. We are passionate about Raiding and
the GAME in general, and look to achieve success by working as a