<Of Hells Design> is currently searching for strong,
reliable, and dedicated raiders for our MYTHIC Progression Raiding
Team! We are currently 3/7M and incredibly close to 4/7M, we'll be
pushing BRF heroic immediately and going back to work on Mythic HM
so we can have it cleared.
Raid Times:
Tuesday: 10pm EST to 1am
Wednesday: 10pm EST to 1am
Thursday: 10pm EST to 1am
Sundays: 10pm EST (Clean up night and not always required)
**OHD is always looking for exceptional players, if you think
you can do more DPS than our current raiders and would like to
join. Please get in contact with us. We're always open to having
competitive DPS/Heals on our team.**
Raiding Team Needs
Ranged DPS
Hunter (Closed), Lock (Low), Mage
(High), B Druid (Low), S Priest (High), Shaman (Low)
Melee DPS
Rogue (Low), Monk (low), Warrior
(Closed), DK (Closed), Sham (Closed)
R Druid (Low), H Pally (Med), R Sham
(Low), MW Monk (Closed), Priest (High)
**Tank slots are currently
Of Hells Design
OHD is a guild with a relaxed atmosphere that focuses on
progression PvE raiding. We maintain a fun and relaxed attitude
both in and outside of our raids, while retaining the ability to
focus on downing content in a timely manner. OHD was established
4/8/11 on Scarlet Crusade with a team of real life friends and had
raided back in BC/Wrath Days. Having built the guild from the
ground up teaching and molding new players into serious raiders had
earned us top 10 on SC always clearing content before new patches
were released.
Our streams: http://www.twitch.tv/ofhellsdesign (Main
tank/GM/RL POV)
What we expect from our raiders:
Members are expected to always bring their "A
game" to raids to help ensure we do our best while working on
current progression content.
Members are expected to always show up for raids
early so that the raid can start on time and leave plenty of
time for other measures.
Members are expected to always bring all of the
necessary items they require for raids; food, flasks, potions,
Members are expected to strive to be the absolute best
they can at which ever role/class they play. (ex: Theorycrafting/
testing researched information).
Members are expected to be available for each raid night
during the week. (Obviously last minute real life changes are
acceptable, we just like to know whats going on if possible)
Members are expected to be friendly, helpful, and
respectful of other players whether they are in guild or not.
Attendance: Having high attendance is of the utmost
importance to us. We understand real life happens but ALL raid
members must show up for raid regardless if you may get benched or
not. Out of our 3 night schedule we require 100%
attendance. If there is something that may keep you from
making raid you MUST communicate it to the officers/gm prior to
raid. This means if it is something you know will cause you to be
late or unable to attend we need at least 1 week or more of notice,
unless something you cannot control happens. Players who become
unreliable will be replaced swiftly.
If you would like to speak to someone in guild management, they are
listed below.
Guild Website: http://ofhellsdesign.shivtr.com/
Guild Email: ofhellsdesign@gmail.com
Recruitment: Leorick(real id: thegod526@gmail.com)
(Battletag: Ysosrslawl#1721)