Considering all high quality applications no matter the
We will consider ALL applications if you can add value to our
roster. So if you can compete with our current members, just
Looking for a many big ranged DPS
Looking for a tank who is undoubtedly skilled and can
Looking for a big healer
If you want to get into some BRF progression and think you have
what it takes, then apply!
Realm & Faction: Kazzak, Horde
Kazzak is the best realm in Europe regards of progression raiding.
Every time a new raid is released, as a collective the guilds here
are highly competitive and ensuring Kazzak remains #1. High skilled
PVE players will do well on Kazzak.
Language: English
Raid schedule (CET):
Wednesday: 18.45 - 23.00
Thursday: 18.45 - 23.00
Sunday: 18.45 - 23.00
Monday: 18.45 - 23.00
Guild creation date: 15-10-2006
About Fang
Fang is looking to combine fun with quality raiding, and climb up
the rankings. If you'd like to be part of a stable, social and
progress oriented guild please read on:
In Fang we have fun. A lot of fun. We are a social guild
with a very chilled raiding atmosphere, which we want to combine
with top performance.
Fang is one of the oldest guilds on Kazzak, surviving many summers
and always keeping up with the top guilds on the realm.
We have a really good reputation that we have built up over the
years and expect our members to conduct themselves so that they do
not put that reputation into jeopardy.
Applicant specifications
We want players with a great attitude to guild and character
progression and development. If your attitude is poor, you will not
fit in this guild.
We want hard workers. People who research their class. People who
research encounters. People who can maximise everything.
Research everything!
We want performers. You may be a smart theorycrafter who can make
the most complex spreadsheets or weakauras. But if your numbers are
not up to scratch, or you are a magnet towards fire then that will
reduce your value to us. Your application must have logs
We want experience. Nothing embellishes a good application more
than a shining set of experiences that reinforce everything. Some
old heroic/new mythic experience is expected, but the more
experience you have, the better.
We want people who can take banter! Do not get upset every time a
joke is thrown your way. If you can banter back, that is a great
way to speed up the trial process. Trials are about fitting into
the guild culture, not just performance in raids.
We want people who put the guild before themselves. Progress is #1,
your iLvl comes secondary to that. Whether this regards items, raid
spots or anything else. Decisions are always made to
focus on the guild needs.
Loot System
We run a loot council method of loot distribution. Ultimately this
is to ensure the best players get the most appropriate loot for
their class/spec/skill. It also allows us to control the roster and
setup and maximise the raid iLvl to the demands of each progress
Alt raid
We run a mandatory alt raid. This means applicants must have one
alt that they can play as efficiently as their main. These alts
must be maintained on the same level as their mains with maxed out
enchants. These alts are used to gear up the mains to the teeth
whenever the opportunity is presented. It also keeps the guild
raiding during the typical farm periods, which is important!
How to apply
Any application should go through our website
(, we will consider any who apply (even if
we are currently not actively looking for your class) and try to
respond to all applications within 24 hours.
Recruitment Forum -
Contact Us
You can contact any of the officers on the forum through a PM or
Melee - Smellf/Blorc OR Underz
Tanks - Bulldozer
Ranged - Hauhet
Healers - Ellonia