<The Church> is a mythic progression guild on
Darkspear. Our members strive to be not just great players, but
great people too. We are friendly, mature, laid back and work
together to get the job done. Our #1 focus is killing bosses, but
we offer a great community outside of raiding as well. You can
apply to www.churchguild.org or contact me via my
battle tag Samsara#1268 if you have any questions. We
are always recruiting exceptional players!
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 7:45 - 11:45 PM Mountain Standard
Invites begin at 7:20 PM, with trash usually starting at 7:35
We are always interested in exceptional players, but please see the
recruitment chart above for current needs.
Check our website for the most updated information.
Church members must exhibit a thorough understanding of their class
and how to use it to the benefit of their groups. We like people
who can work well with others in stressful situations, who can
analyze challenges and offer solutions while accepting the ideas of
others, and above all, we look for members who have that rare, but
treasured combination of fun-loving maturity.
We've cleared all content that's been released since the open of BC
and have a few accomplishments under our belt:
Server-first Eredar Twins (pre-3.0)
Server-first Algalon 25 man (The Celestial Defender)
Server-first Yogg 0 25 man (Death's Demise)
Tribute to Insanity 25
Only guild on Darkspear with Dedicated Insanity
Server-first Heroic Gara'jal the Spiritbinder 25 man
Server-first Heroic Spirit Kings 25 man
Server-first Heroic Will of the Emperor 25 man (Delver of the
Server-first Mythic Kargath Bladefist
What makes <The Church> stand out from other
The most common things look for in a guild they want to call home
is current openings, current progression, and raid times. In
addition to our 3-night niche, here are some of the reasons why
<The Church> should be a place you can call
ACCURATE SCHEDULE - Our raids end on time. We make
the commitment to start and end the raids on time because we know
you want to get as much content complete as possible without
interfering with sleep schedules or other commitments you have
outside of the game.
STELLAR PLAYERS - All of our players come prepared to
raid. We do not bring players who need to be carried. There is no
drama pushing people away. Everyone takes the extra time to
research all encounters and class mechanics to excel.
NO RECRUITING FOR BENCH - Our players come to raid
and that is exactly what they do. We value every member of our
team. Sometimes other guilds recruit an openings and only allow new
recruits access to one or two fights. Our goal is to have recruits
engage all content as often as possible.
FUN GUILD - We find the balance between staying
focused in raids and having a light hearted fun time. We all want
to enjoy the game, make good progression, and make new friends. We
are a mature, we are pleasant to be around, and there is always a
character or two online to make you smile.
You can read more about us and apply online at
www.churchguild.org . For more information, you can
talk to Såmsåra in-game, send a PM to Såmsåra on our forums, or add
Såmsåra's battle tag Samsara#1268. Please note, some
kind of combat log such as WWS/WMO/WOL will greatly improve your
chances of being accepted. First impressions are key.
P.S: Contrary to our name, we are not a religious guild in any