We are a raiding guild on Hellscream, one of the oldest guilds on
the server & very stable - We are currently trying to hit
Mythic raiding for WoD.We are currently looking for healers and
magic dps (pref mages,locks,shamans)
To secure your position in our raid team we expect you full
attendance to our raids when you have accepted.We expect you to be
on 15 minutes before the raid starts.Also to bring pots,flasks,food
and be fully enchanted and gem before you start raiding.We expect
you to be around 640ilvl.When it comes to raid we expect people to
pull there weight when raiding,if not people will be replaced.We
use teamspeak when raiding.We also expect raiders to have a
complete knowledge of there class and the current raid
Raid Schedule:
We raid 3 days a week Wednesday,Friday and Monday.We raid on realm
time.We expect people to be outside the raid ready to go asap.If u
cant attend a raid please inform one of the officers in the guild a
couple of days before.
We look forward to welcoming you! ;)
If you need to contact any of the Officers in the guild:
Fayth - Officer
Gilad - Add Chrisbealing#2377