Sedulous - Showing dedication and dilligence and that is exactly
what we are looking for. We are primarily are a raiding guild, but
do not discriminate towards players leveling and enjoying pvp
Raid Time: Tuesday and Thursday 6pm - 9pm CST
Raid Rules:
- Be a team player. It takes a full 10 or 25 man to down a
progression boss, not one person.
- Keep your character gemmed and enchanted properly. If you need
help, do not be afraid to ask the guild!
- Be on time for raids. This means logging on 10 minutes before
raid time and being in vent, ready to go. If you can’t make it then
you are obligated to let the raid leader know.
- Be prepared. Watch videos of the boss the group is working on AND
the next boss.
What to Expect From Us:
- No raid slots are ever guaranteed, but rather performance based.
If you show up consistently, perform well, and come
WILL raid. You will find competent raiders with dedication and
commitment to all of their classes.
If you are looking for a great guild to have fun and make your home
we hope we can make this one the best choice for you.