Please note if you are looking at our progress on Korgath, we
recently transferred from Magtheridon, the server we got our US#155
kill on.
What kind of a guild is Re Lapse?
We consider ourselves to be a Part-Time Hardcore guild. What does
that mean exactly? It means that while we don't raid very much
while we do raid we are VERY serious about getting the most out of
our time as we possibly can. While we won't be a part of the
extreme cutting-edge of progression, we certainly plan on following
it not all too soon after. I would like to add, that this Tier
because our core group just started playing again in 5.4, we did
not get into Heroic Siege (Mainly because of gear, when we started
playing again most people were ~500iLvl at the start of SoO
release) until 2 full months after release. Had we been able to
start on an equal footing with everyone else we would have finished
top 60-100 US. Just something to think about ;).
What type of player are we looking for?
Quite simply, we are looking for exceptional players. Our goal for
WoD is to be the best guild on our server. We showed in Siege how
serious, and dedicated our group is, achieving a Garrosh kill
starting two months late on content, only raiding two nights a
week, and we want to carry that over into Warlords. Please do not
app to the guild if our raid times are not going to work for you.
Being a two night guild, we expect all raiders to have flawless
attendance during progression. If Friday + Saturday are sometimes
going to be days you may not want to raid, don't bother applying.
Also, you should be the type of player that thoroughly researches
your class. No one in our raid should have to tell you how to play.
If we do, that is already a serious red flag. You need to be a
master of your class and understand every aspect of it. When you
come across a new fight, you should ask yourself; "What is the best
way I can deal with this encounter?"
That is the type of player we are looking for.
Raid Schedule:
Friday: 9pm-1am EST
Saturday: 9pm-1am EST
For any more information, please visit our website. :)