Vex on Thunderlord /US is now a six-year old guild which is
fundamentally a friends and family guild.
Vex is not a hard core raiding guild, but when we raid we expect
the participants to come ready (having researched the fights and
prepared their toon).
Vex is not a hard core PVP guild, but we like to win, we don’t like
to loose and we work hard to give our team mates the best chance of
We require members to be adults but exceptions are made on a case
by case basis (usually for IRL friends / family of members).
We’re generally a mature group (except for when we’re being
immature), don’t tolerate drama (except when it’s a part of
intentional immaturity) and place respect between members above all
else (except when we’re busy teasing each other).
We’ll never drop someone for not raiding / pvp-ing or think less of
We will not recruit for a ‘raid’ spot or ‘rbg’ spot.
There is no ‘raider’ or ‘core pvp’ type of guild rank.
If you’re looking for 4 nights a week of hard core raiding, it’s
not going to happen here, we value balance, fun and the people
behind the characters much more than making ‘progress’.
We are always open to new members and are specifically looking to
add some additional raiders to our roster.
Our current raiding schedule is Monday - Old Content Raids
(achievements etc), Tues, Wed and Thurs MOP Raids.
If this is the type of community you’re looking for, look us up, we
might be a good fit.