Dynamic Violence is currently running one 10man raid group with
progression in SoO at 1/14 H. Our raid group is full but we are
always willing to support a second raid group of team players if
someone wants to join and start one. We could also use some toons
who can act as stand by's for those occasions that someone can't
make a raid night for some reason. We always try to fill permanent
spots from within the guild if possible depending on gear and
We are also running one full time Challenge Mode team. We do not
have a PvP raid group and would love to find someone to start and
recruit a team for this purpose! Several current members would be
interested in PvP groups if we can find a good leader!
Contact Skafloc, Cuculain, Palomita or Mytholdia if interested.
Feel free to contact any of our other members for more information
on the guild.