What I expect from you as a raider..
#1 You must have a good understanding of how to play your specific
a. This means how to gem/enchant
b. Knowing your rotation and learning to maximize your dps for each
encounter and being willing to sacrifice your dps using cooldowns
at specific times on a fight for the overall success of the
c. You must be subjective to criticism, I won't tell you how to
play but I will question you why you do certain things and see if
we can help you improve.
#2 You must be respectful to others
#3 I expect you to let us know when you can't raid by either
telling an officer or posting on our guild website that you cannot
make it. We understand we cannot expect 100% attendance because
everyone has lives outside of the game. But as long as you tell us
ahead of time we can be prepared and fill that spot if needed.
#4 I want you to enjoy the game... If you cannot enjoy the game
then your motivation to play your best won't be there.
If you are interested in becoming part of this venture please talk
to me in game by Battle tag is Whobetter#1756
Thanks for Considering us. Feel free to apply on our website.