Rebirth is looking to recruit 2-3 healers and few melee/ranged DPS
to help us progress Mythic raiding.
My contact details are below if you'd like to inquire further.
Rebirth is looking for people who can raid for around 2 times a
week for 3 hours, mostly on the weekends. We would like experienced
players but what we need the most are people committed to help us
progress into new content. Our guild has a great website with
forums and profiles. We use Ventrilo and can help you set it up.
You don't need a mic but will be required to listen in during
raids. For loot we're using a loot council system which prioritized
progression and is based off of attendance and gear earned. You can
see the website for more details.
If you would like to apply please visit our webpage. If you have
any questions you can whisper me in game or post on the forums.
Casuals are welcome to apply just state casual in your
Thanks for your time,
Recruitment Officer
Contact Info
Ingame Recruitment: #Testo1402, #Valmar1257