Guns n Roses are a semi-hard core social raiding guild currently
recruiting to expand our team's roster in order to complete mythic
content in Warlords of Draenor.
Our raid days are Thursday, Monday, Tuesday 21:30-00:30 server
We have a broad range of real life commitments in the team and
recognise the importance of a rl / wow balance. However there is an
expectation that on raid nights, all raiders will - Be Punctual, Be
Prepared and Be Efficient.
GnR have a roster which includes a variety of age ranges,
nationalities, classes, skill and commitment. Therefore, in
addition to steady progress through current tier raiding, We offer
regular alt/second team raid nights, achievement runs and PvP
(arena and bgs).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the GM
(Meg#2471)or(Ong#2538) in game. You can read more about us on our
website, and drop us an application if you're interested in joining