Insurgence was recently formed, late in 2014, just before
WoD was about to launch. Ever since then the guild has gone through
a lot of discussions, changes, as well as improvements, and is
still gradually becoming better.
We raid three times a week, although an extra day may occasionally
be added, and are steadfast in our aim to reach top 300 EU, as well
as realm first.
At the same time we strive to maintain a good social atmosphere,
and most certainly have that, as people chat a lot and our
teamspeak server is frequently used outside of raids, both for idle
chat and other purposes.
Our current raid times are as following(GMT+1):
Wednesday 19:45 - 23:00
Sunday 19:45 - 23:00
Monday 19:45 - 23:00
Tuesday 19:45 - 23:00 is an optional raiding day, and mostly just
used when we need it.
The trial period typically takes 2-3 weeks, during which the
officers keep a close eye on the applicant, and test him or her
appropriately. A high attendance is required, as we'd like to go
with the same team every night, and particulary so during
Choosing not to attend to raids due to poor reasons may result in a
demotion, although we do of course understand if you cannot attend
due to something serious happening (E.g. your appartment being
raided by police with riot shields, or attending the marriage of
your evil stepmother & father.)
All members are expected to be at the top of their game, and if
they aren't, they will be given some time and chance to improve,
along with offered assistance in doing so, but if it takes too
long, or no signs of improvement are shown, a demotion is likely to
At times, during progression, we may ask members to step out for
the fight, in order to maximize our chances of killing the boss
that we're facing. Reasons for us to make someone step out may be
that they're not yet fully geared, fail to avoid stepping in fire,
or that we for example don't have enough healers.
If you cannot accept occasionally having to step out for one or two
fights for the better of the guild, do not apply.
Applications are to be submitted to our guild website.
Detailed & well written applications are appreciated, and much
more likely to be accepted than a poorly & lazily written
All exceptional applications are considered.
What do we offer?
- A serious raiding environment
- Proper organization
- Structure
- A clear aim
- The chance & opportunity to progress together with likeminded
- Fun & giggles
Loot system
The method of distributing loot that we're currently using is loot
What this means is that we prioritize raiders over trialists (Until
they're fully accepted into the guild), typically give items to
classes to which they're BiS, and give them to the individuals that
would benefit the most from it (Eg. biggest upgrade), & in
turn, the guild. A person whose attendance is 100% is much more
likely to recieve an item than one whose attendance is lower.
If you wish to contact us, you may visit the link below, or whisper
any of our online members, who should offer directions towards an
Officer list: