Archangel is a Casual raiding guild with a core set of veteran
players, most of us playing together for well over the course of 2
years now.
Raid nights are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Mondays, 8 pm - 11 pm ST
(9-12 EST). Looking for any and all players skilled at their
classes. DPS included. Ranged or melee.
We are not interested in server firsts, but we do not wish to fall
behind as well, our group is set on progression with a fairly laid
back vent.
--Note-- We have been within the top 5 since ToT and well into SoO.
We plan on carrying this mentality of progression.
Feel free to message an officer if interested:
Look forward to hearing from you.
Backups are always accepted. People who cannot commit to full raid
times are accepted.