Immersion is looking to secure that we have a heroic team going
every raid night over the summer and up to the new xpac. Poke
Immersion officers for more info.
Immersion is best described as a social raiding guild. While we
focus on doing the end game raiding as much as we can we also
recognize there is more in life than WoW and raiding.
We don't have a set raid attendance percentage that people need to
show up for, but we do like to see people who know they can raid a
good number of raids. As said before there is more than just WoW,
so if you need to skip a few raids for exams, real life issues or
pregnancy (yes we even have that), we see no problem in doing
That said, when we raid we do require people to be 100% focused and
ready to make progress.
Raids start at 20:30 and they last till 23:30
Our current raiding schedule
Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. On nonraiddays we try to arrange an
alt run of normal or flex version current tier.
We require players that are:
Punctual - Being online in time and prepared for a raid makes a big
Willing to Listen - We do not mind players who are inexperienced in
raiding, provided they are keen listeners and can follow advice and
Enthusiastic - Wiping is a part of WoW and a part of raiding. We
would like players who are willing to go that bit further to down a
new boss.
Active - The more you can attend raids, the better, for you and for
For more information or to apply visit