Founded on 1-30-2005, Foederati quickly became one of the Horde's
top raiding guilds on Aggramar. We bagged the first horde side
Nefarian kill and progressed farther than any other horde guild in
AQ40 and Naxxramas. In the Burning Crusade we killed all of the
available raid bosses with the exception of M’uru and KJ. In Wrath
of the Lich King we killed Arthas and many ICC heroic bosses as
Foederati is a close-knit guild consisting of mature players
dedicated to achieving the goals established for the individual and
the guild as a whole. While many of us are serious gamers, fun is
our priority. We like to call ourselves a family style raiding
guild. This means that while we do maintain a raid schedule we
recognize that enjoying the game and having fun are the priorities.
We also understand that our guild members have jobs, families and
*gasp* social lives outside of WoW.
Interested applicants should enjoy the game as a whole and want to
be in Foederati. We think this is a great guild with a great
atmosphere and great people. We’d like to have you onboard to help
our family grow. We are always looking for players who are mature,
fun, and know their class.
If you'd like to speak with someone in-game, contact Mustafar,
Paladinftl, or Olpham, and they'd be happy to speak with you.