We are a hardcore guild that expects nothing less than a 90% raid
attendance and strong situational awareness during raid encounters.
We are currently looking for a few more bodies to fill out our 25m
raid. We expect our members to know and understand their respective
class mechanics (i.e. hit cap and rotation). You must be 620+
ilvl/gear score, have your gear enchanted and gemmed, and be
somewhat knowledgeable about current fights (raid experience is a
plus). We might ask you to re-spec or carry an off-spec for AOE
encounters to maximize our success.
Our guild is a small tight knit family of people from all over the
world and we expect no drama from any of our members. We are ITG
and we will *** you up on the Net.
Raid Times:
M&W 7:00PM-11PM Server Time (PST)
NM: 3/7
HM: 1/7
If you are interested in joining our guild and feel you have what
it takes, please contact one of the officers listed below. Thanks
for considering us and good luck.