Opera Non Verba, Terenas 10 man raiding guild
<Opera non Verba> is a 10 man raiding guild. We are
recruiting people who know their class well, who keep up to date on
your class, and your class changes. Including people, who are able
to be aware of their surroundings, know the fights/are willing to
pay attention and learn fights as well as not standing in the
Current progression
Mogu'shan Vaults - 6/6 Normal - 4/6 Heroic (10 man)
Heart Of Fear - 6/6 Normal - 0/6 Heroic (10 man)
Terrance of Endless Spring - 4/4 Normal - 0/4 Heroic (10 man)
Throne of Thunder - 12/12 Normal - 2/13 Heroic (10 man)
Raid Times:
Sun, Mond, Tues, Wed 6:30-9:30 Mountain time
Current Recruitment Needs
High= need Low= not so much.
Healers – OPEN to the following classes:
Restoration Shaman - High
Monk - Medium
DPS – OPEN to the following classes:
Balance Druid - Low
Shadow Priest - Low
Elemental Shamman - Low
Tanks - Open to the following classes:
Death Knight - Medium
Warrior - Medium
If you are exceptional at your class don't be afraid to throw in an
Applying Process:
- In order to be considered for a trial spot, you must fill out an
application and answer all the required questions.
- Read the stickies and the application template on our application
- Make a new thread in the application section, copy all questions
over from the template, and answer them thoroughly.
- Our officers will review your application and give you all
questions and concerns before you are accepted or denied.
- Monitor your application frequently and try to answer all
questions, promptly.