About us
Uncrowned Kings is a semi-hardcore progression oriented guild on
Nesingwary. If you are looking for a group of friendly and skilled
players to progress through the many raids to come with a fixed
schedule, Uncrowned Kings is the place for you!
Tuesday: 9:00 to 11:30 EST
Thursday: 9:00 to 11:30 EST
Sunday: 9:00 to 11:30 EST
Uncrowned Kings is currently recruiting exceptional raiders of the
following classes and roles.
Death Knight (DPS): Medium
Druid (Balance): High
Druid (Feral): Medium
Hunter (DPS): High
Mage (DPS): High
Monk (DPS): Low
Priest (Holy): Medium
Rogue (DPS): Low
Shaman (DPS): High
Warlock (DPS): Medium
Warrior (DPS): High
Past Achievements
Highmaul: 7/7H - 1/7M
Siege of Orgrimmar: 14/14H - 6/14M
Throne of Thunder: 10/13H
Terrace of Endless Spring: 4/4H
Heart of Fear: 6/6H
Mogu'shan Vaults: 6/6H
Contact us
Feel free to send an in-game mail to Loloup-Nesingwary or
personnally add my battle tag Loloup#1452. You can also talk to
Phoebelove, Bellanorra or Ghmaldiiraan if you have any questions or
interest in joining the guild.