<Casually Addicted> is a 20 man hardcore raiding guild on
Kel'thuzad(US-PvE), that is seeking exceptional players to dominate
Mythic raiding in WoD. We are like-minded individuals who share a
desire to succeed in raiding, and to conquer content quickly.
<Casually Addicted> is a raiding guild, not a guild that
raids. We do not tolerate players who contribute nothing to the
overall raiding environment.
Raid Schedule:
We raid Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00PM to 11:00PM
EST. Raiders are expected to show up on time (30 minutes prior to
start of raid) with all raid-related consumables on hand.
All applicants must have an item level of 670.
*All exceptional players are encouraged to apply regardless of
current needs.
We are currently 5/7 Mythic
In tier 16 we were 14/14 Heroic
In tier 15 we were 13/13 Heroic
About Us:
<Casually Addicted> is a long-term guild that recently came
back into action to finish Heroic T16 progression and move into
Mythic with the best possible players. We aim to have a small,
dedicated raid group as we dominate 20 man content.
· <Casually Addicted> uses a loot council system to
distribute loot (We award loot via loot council that takes into
consideration attendance, performance, items currently worn, and
last item received)
· We raid (3 days @ 3 hours/day) Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:00PM to 11:00PM
· We have a long guild history of focusing on fast, efficient
· We have a respectful raid environment (humor does not come
exclusively from bashing of various minorities, nor is every
mistake handled by being chewed out on mumble although we do make
sure mistakes get corrected and are public when needed)
· We run a consistent roster, so expect to raid with the same
people day in and day out
· Repeated raid-wiping mistakes will not be ignored, performance
will earn you your raid spot
What we expect from Raiders:
· We expect 90% attendance to raids
· We expect excellent awareness, dedication, and overall competence
as well as a basic understanding of all class mechanics in a
raiding environment
· Raid spots are performance based, and will always be open for
· During raids, raiders should be expected to be like adults, this
means you are responsible for your mistakes, and will be expected
to correct them
· Although we have a laid-back environment, raiders are expected to
know when to be serious
· Raiders are required to come to raids with at least basic
knowledge of relevant raid encounters.
· Raiders are expected to be at their keyboards during raid times.
Excessive AFKing, slow wipe recovery, and not listening to
assignments that hold up the raid are not acceptable.
· We expect you to have a working microphone and be able to speak
on mumble when necessary
· Raid-Wide “5 minute” AFKs will be allowed, but will be followed
by an attendance check. This should provide ample time for bio
breaks, grabbing a snack, or whatever else needs to be done during
raid time.
· When “on standby” for raids, raiders must be ready to step into
the raid at a moment’s notice, and know what is required of
· If raiders expect to receive consumables from the raid bank, they
are expected to contribute to it
Contact Us:
If this sounds like what you’re looking for in a guild or if you
have any questions, there is several ways to get in contact with
Website: http://www.casuallyaddicted.com
Ingame: Tenspeed (Guild Master) Zoltan (Raid leader)
Real ID: Tenspeed: Tenspeed#1198, Zoltin#1602