Looking for Players for WoD.
We are one of the premier 2 night/per week (6hrs per week) raiding
guilds in the Oceanic region. Carebears is a small, primarily
Australian guild, but we also have members outside Australia. While
we take a relatively relaxed stance towards raiding (i.e., not
hardcore), we do focus on maintaining a high skill level in order
to maximize our shorter raid times and progress at a reasonable
pace. We expect our core raiders to come prepared: both with their
toons min/maxed (gear and know-how) and with appropriate knowledge
of progression fights (guides, videos, etc.).
Raid Nights are Thursday and Sunday, 9pm-12am server time and
during summer day light savings we raid 10pm-1am server time.
Who we're after, and what we ask of you:
-Someone who is capable of listening & improving
-Someone who fits into our listed raid schedule and can make 99% of
the raids
-Turn up to raids on time prepared with food/flasks
-Appropriate iLevel including full enchants/gems
-Aged 18+ preferred