Heroic raiding Tues Thurs 6-8pm server (pacific) and Friday 6-9pm
YOU WANT AWESOME? WE GOT AWESOME. If you're fabulous and looking
for a no-drama raiding guild, you've come to the right place. We're
a rag-tag group of adults who place real life before raiding. That
said, real life sometimes slows us down but we still manage to do
what we set out to do, and that's kill pixels together. Interested?
Put in an application at our website.
We are looking for a couple of dedicated caster dps and dedicated,
flexible players to fill critical roles as offspecs. Being an adult
orientated guild, Real Life can take a team member out for a raid
or two. Your role primarily would be dps, with the opportunity to
heal as needed.
Contact via BattleTag Aqular#1845, Vindi#1964 or /who anyone