<Quintessence> is very interested in exceptional players.
Currently, we're a new-ish-ly formed 10 person raid team, planning
on being a (20 person) mythic team, come patch 6.0. Current best
progression (as a guild) is 8/14 SoO heroic (with best individual
progression @ 11/14 heroic).
Highlights of who we are, current accomplishments, and future
- Current strongest needs are healers and ranged dps. Exceptional
players of all specs are still wanted.
- Officers are Fekineejit (GM), Itsygo, Embermoon, and Dalok.
- Raid team's average age is probably 30-ish.
- Current raid times are Tues & Thurs, 9 pm EST to 11:30 pm
- As a guild, Garrosh 10 was downed on normal, on the guild's 4th
night of attempts.
- Immerseus heroic down on 3rd night of attempts. Norushen heroic
down on 2nd night of attempts. Protectors down on 2nd night of
attempts. Sha down on 3rd night of attempts. Galakras down on 2nd
night of attempts. Iron Juggernaut down on the 3rd night of
attempts. Dark Shamans down on 1st night of attempts. Nazgrim down
on 1st night of attempts. More to fall, soon!
- Recruiting is going well, and we seek to overcome absent main
raiders, with more people. (Amazing concept, right?) More people
also means we'll hopefully be able to start forming a second guild
run (normal 10 SoO).
- Skilled players. I've been very impressed by the skill of our
team. We all still have room for improvement, but the positive team
effort is there, and our main raiders are all working on improving
their gear, outside of scheduled guild raids. Average ilvl of
raiding member is currently at least 568.
- Current loot is master loot (MS > OS > xmog). Future loot
method may change, per guild needs.
- Plan is in place, for managing the "in-between" time of 10 man
heroic raid progression, and 6.0 20 man mythic. This means that
we're going to use the best team for progression, and then rotate
folks to get experience and gear, while recruiting enough people to
also get a 2nd weekly normal mode raid going. We're putting raids
on openraid, to fill any empty spots.
- Plan for WoD is to embrace "10 plus" heroic (read: what is now
called "normal") raid structure, which will easily lead into a 20
man mythic team.
- Raiders are expected to have an OpenRaid account. Raid signups
are done on openraid.us.
- Raiders are expected to be in vent.
- Raiders are expected to have at least silver on proving grounds,
for their main role.
- Raiders are expected to seek to improve their gear, outside of
raids. That means weekly valor capping, plus having the legendary
cloak, plus killing Celestials and Ordos every week, until there
are no possible upgrades. It also means attempting to find spots in
OpenRaid groups, when lockouts permit, and upgrades are
Contact us, in-game, with any questions. Going forward, we'll be
doing a brief Q&A/interview in vent, for interested prospective
raiders. My btag is Embermoon#1802.